Individual Certificants Profile

The Individual Certificants Profile displays information about an individual who is registered for a Certification Program. The profile gives you the opportunity to edit that information, evaluate requirements, and award a certificate.

This topic covers the information displayed in the profile and links to the topics describing actions that you can perform on the profile page.

Individual Certificants Information

The Individual Certificants Profile displays the following information:

Field Description
certificant Displays the name of the certificant. Click the liked name to go to the Individual Profile for that certificant.
certification program Displays the name of the certification program the certificant is enrolled in. Click the linked name to go to the Certification Program Profile.
certificate number Displays the number assigned to the certificate.
status Displays the selected status for the certification.
source code Displays how this Certificant found out about this course.
certification date Displays the date the certificant became certified.
effective date Displays the date that the certification becomes effective.
all requirements met? Displays Yes or No.
certified? Displays Yes or No.
invoice number Display the number of the invoice for this enrollment.
expiration date Displays the date that the Certification expires.
certificate sent date Displays the date that the Certificate was sent to the Certificant.
balance Displays the number of dollar the Certificant still owes for this certification program.

Individual Certificants Profile Actions

You can do the following actions from the Individual Certificants Profile:

Individual Certificants Profile Child Forms

The child forms section of the Individual Certificants Profile is broken down into several tabs. Each tab contains one or more child forms containing information pertinent to the individual certificants.

The following tabs are available:

  • Participation tab
  • Log Tab
  • Credits Tab

Participation Tab

Use the Certificant Participation Tab to track the Exams and Courses a Certificant is taking as part of the Certification Program.

Log Tab

Use the Certificant Log Tab to track changes to the Certificant's program.The change log tracks any changes in values made to the Certificant's program. For example, when a certificant's status is changed from enrolled to certified, the change appears in the log.

Credits Tab

Use the Credits Tab to track CEU credits and self report credits. You can also add self report credits.